We left Musoma for Geita which is south of the lake. Nothing spectacular today but we did pass on the fringe of the Serengheti and saw more animals in the distance (ho hum). And, of course more bloody dirt roads, or ball smackers, because everytime you hit another big bump, your ...well, need I say more?
We did see a new animal today, big bird! We saw a bunch of storks. These are big birds! And more baboons, seems they're everywhere.
The quality of the hotels continues to deteriorate. However, I do know that it is all uphill from here. Our last site is tomorrow and then I will fly back to Dar es Salaam on Saturday. At least the food is good and I am almost guaranteed a peaceful night, the last hotel seemed like it was next door to a mosque, not a happy camper at 5:03 in the morning.
So, in keeping with my lack of sleep on this trip, early morning, I hear a gate open and when I peek out the curtains, (no, it's not another animal!) there goes the guard, complete with his weapon at the ready, a small bushman's bow. They tell me that they are deadly accurate with these bows which looks like something a child makes out of a willow branch.
Funny thing just happened, just finished supper and a girl comes up to the table with a water jug and bowl so you can wash your hands.
As we drive along the roads, we see people cutting the grass on the side of the road by hand, using machetes. Talking about effective use of manual labor.
We passed thru the city of Mwanza, better known as the city of stone. You see the strangest stone formations with huge granite boulders teetering precariously on top of other rocks. People have even built their houses in amongst the rocks.
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